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Here are e-mails, sent to us from different people, with comments about oil (as a food supplement) - LHR has NOT verified any of that information below and we don't know where the information was obtained from.

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SUE - 7/13/2009:

Hi, was wondering why you fed the veggie oil, as opposed to the corn oil?  Corn oil is water solluble and therefore it is totally absorbed by the body, unlike the veggie oil, which is only partially absorbed.  The rice bran oil is nice, but it messes with your calcium phosphorus ratio, since rice bran oil is so high in Calcium.

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ANNE - 9/6/2009:

Supplement for Horses, Dogs and other animals
Rice oil has found favor with performance horses or older horses that have a difficult time keeping weight on. The rice oil is purported to give horse and dog coats a rich, shiny look. Some zoos are even feeding rice oil as a supplement to their tigers and lions!
Gamma Oryzanol
Rice bran oil is rich in gamma-oryzanol, a group of ferulate esters of triterpene alcohols and phytosterols. The high antioxidant property of gamma-oryzanol has been widely recognized. Studies have shown several physiological effects related to gamma-oryzanol and related rice bran oil components. These include its ability to reduce plasma cholesterol, reduce cholesterol absorption and decrease early atherosclerosis, inhibit platelet aggregation, and increase fecal bile acid excretion. Oryzanol has also been used to treat nerve imbalance and disorders of menopause.
Rice bran oil is the only readily available oil, other than palm, that contains significant levels (approximately 500 ppm) of tocotrienols. These occur in at least four known forms and are similar to the tocopherols in chemical structure. They belong to the vitamin E family and are powerful natural antioxidants. The protective benefits of dietary antioxidants in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and some forms of cancer have been widely publicized.

Corn Oil has 1% Omega 3; Soybean Oil has 8 % Omega 3 (Omga 3 are the best type of Omega EFA (Essential Fatty Acids;like in Salmon; Soybean OIl better than Corn Oil; imo also whether the Oil is cold pressed is important; you use less Rice Bran Oil than other !

 Vegetable oils are a major source of vitamin
E (tocopherols) which act as antioxidants in promoting
anti-atherogenic properties such as decreasing LDL
cholesterol uptake.  

Soybean oil and canola oil are
important dietary sources of vitamin K  

Fat Soluble Vitamins (A, E, D and K)
Because they are soluble in fats, the vitamins A,
E, D and K are sometimes added to foods containing fat
(e.g., vitamin A and D in milk, vitamin A in margarine)
because they serve as good carriers and are widely
consumed. Vegetable oils are a major source of vitamin
E (tocopherols) which act as antioxidants in promoting
anti-atherogenic properties such as decreasing LDL
cholesterol uptake. Soybean oil and canola oil are
important dietary sources of vitamin K. Fats are not
generally considered good sources of other fat soluble vitamins Source: Institute of Fats and Oils
