Hi Gabi, I'm so sad to tell you that I had to put Oscar down on black Friday, which has new meaning for me now as you can imagine. It was so hard. He managed to get an infection somehow, just a few weeks ago so we gave him two rounds of antibiotics, and a diuretic because he was extremely swollen and uncomfortable. On the morning after Thanksgiving I went out to feed them and Oscar was in distress. It had become difficult for him to breath and walk, literally overnight so I had the vet come out. It was the worst day. He agreed that Oscar was suffering and we had to do it. I scrambled to get a horse hauler to come out to take Hamlet to my friend's ranch, where he and Oscar were boarded for a winter. He only had to be alone for two very stressful hours. We were both a mess but we're doing better now. I've been out there every day since and he's having fun with all the other horses. I may let him pick out a friend (they have foster horses there) and bring them both back here in the Spring, or I may try to find another horse on my own and see how they do together. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my boys. I could not have asked for a better horse than Oscar. I loved him so very much and he knew it. He wasn't a horse really, he was more teddy bear than anything. He had a great last few years here with me, getting spoiled and pampered. Now Hamlet has to endure all of the kisses on his own for a while but he knows how to soak up the attention luckily. I had him in the arena today with one of his new friends, it's really remarkable how much energy he has considering his age. He can out-play horses half his age. It's just a joy to witness and I'm so happy he's able to play at all right now considering his loss. Thanks again, I hope you're doing well. Odessa